Sunday, July 31, 2011

And It Is Done

Maybe we love traveling. Maybe we love having our children no more than two feet away at all times. I only know that as we drove through the nation, we were compelled to stop and stare at the breathtaking view more often than was logical.

Driving through Colorado was my favorite. Seriously. Everywhere I turned my eyes looked like a postcard. Not fair, Colorado. Not fair.

So we took a half day out of our "drive like the wind" schedule and went white water rafting. We were unprepared for this decision, and showed up in an odd assortment of clothing mixed with swimming gear. Riding a river through the mountains is even more breathtaking than driving through it at top speed, and our mouths were hanging open through most of the ride, which is how we ended up swallowing gallons of the Colorado River to bring home with us. We rode the river like Viking warriors. Until we reached the rapids. Then we rode the river like tourists who had never experienced rapids before. The rapids bossed us around, and only a couple of us managed to stay in the boat. Awesome!

We found ourselves soaked and much too exhausted to unstrap the luggage from the top of the Jeep. I voted that we build ourselves a house and stay forever, but, instead, we got our soggy selves into the Jeep and dripped until we crossed out of Colorado. I shed a tear and wiped it away with my pruny, wrinkly, finger.

As sad as it was to face the end of our trip, there is no better feeling than driving into your own driveway. Our dogs were waiting to tackle us, and Drake opened the door and ran to them before the Jeep had stopped moving.

Driving mostly involves sitting, but, for some unknown reason, it makes me so tired I turn into a lunatic. I've rarely been so excited as when I walked to my bed and climbed in. I slept as if my body had been petrified, and found it almost impossible to wake up in the morning. Which is why it is not my fault than when Mike tried to wake me up I told him, "You should be all the prepositions." He had no response to that, and I got to sleep an extra hour. And, since I don't remember the event happening, I do not feel that it should be held against me in the future. Amen.

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