Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Emery has always been a bit timid. She was scared of the dark, scared of movies, and terrified of riding a bike.

So, when we went to a water park a few years ago, I thought that she would hang out in the kiddie area with me all day while the older three kids tackled the water slides. But, to my surprise, she grabbed a tube for the slides and got into line. After several warnings that at the end of the line was a SLIDE and she if she continued in the line she would go DOWN it, she insisted that she knew what she was doing and, with great focus of mind, stood her ground.

I stood at the bottom of the slide ready to comfort my wailing child when she exited the catching pool, but she came out of the water with a smile and said, "That was better than I thought! Now that I know there are no sharks in the water, I want to go again!"

I was proud of her, but at the same time very concerned about what she had been thinking at the top of the slide. I can just imagine her standing there thinking, "Well, there are probably sharks in this water so sliding down here is a big risk. But, I am willing to do it!" Somehow in her mind, she had decided that going down this slide was worth risking a shark attack.

I am either terrified of the risks she deems worthy of attempting, or astounded at her bravery. I'm not sure which.


  1. Sharla, I love reading your posts. Thanks for sharing them!
    Melany Spiehs (Christensen)

  2. Thanks Melany!! I'm so glad to hear from you and so happy you like the site. Thanks for reading!!
