Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy Holidays

I love everything about Christmas. I start looking forward to it in June. It drives my husband crazy. I love singing, hot drinks, cookies, movies, snow, but I especially love the cheerful attitude people adopt for the season.

I love New Years too. Everyone is full of hope and great expectations. I love the loud parties and midnight cheering.

I dread the return of school and early mornings as much as the kids do. I hate homework, schedules, grades, studying.

I think I forgot to be an adult.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Sandy Hook

In light of the horrific incident that occurred in Connecticut, I just didn't have the heart to publish anything frivolous today.

I can't bring myself to listen to the newscasts or read the articles, so I don't know many of the details, and I don't care to. I know too much already. I find I need to discipline my mind away from severe overreactions such as forcibly confiscating all weapons in America and banning video games or movies containing any sort of violence. Action will surely be necessary, but not when emotions are running the day.

I am sad to think that I will bounce back from this.

Then again, maybe I won't. Every moment spent with my kids over the weekend was glorious. Every hug was remarkable. The sweaty smell and messy kitchen was a blessing. Bedtime rituals were not rushed but enjoyed.

If my children are not robbed from me by a sick twist of fate, they surely will be by minutes, hours, and years.

I think I, personally, will honor those who survived and those who didn't by being awake and aware during the precious moments I spend with my kids. Instead of hurrying along our schedule, I will hug, really listen, and laugh.

And I will be thankful for my messy kitchen.  

Sunday, December 9, 2012


The ocean had it's way with me today.

My gypsy parents, who sold all their belongings in order to spontaneously travel the earth, have set up camp for three weeks in sunny Florida. What else could I do but show up and enjoy the sunshine with them? I'm a good daughter.

So, immediately upon waking in our tropical paradise, Mike and I donned our swimsuits and gave ourselves to the waves. I spent a large part of the day upside down with my feet bobbing in the crashing waves and my head pounding into the sand. After a few hours, the ocean decided it was done with me and spit me unceremoniously upon the sandy beach.

This is where it gets bad.

Since the ocean was done with me, I headed to the pool to find my dad. My balance was gone due to a morning spent being tossed like I was in a washer set to sturdy, so I stumbled drunkenly as I searched.  My glasses were back in the room, so I squinted trying to locate my dad, and finally spotted his baseball hat and headed to his table.

Stumbling and squinting, and with a nest of sandy hair erupting in all directions, I squinted directly at my dad and said, "Wow!"

But, the man I was wowing was not my dad. Just a guy in a hat.

I just stumbled away.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Never Do That Again

"Mom!" Makenna whisper-screamed across my phone. "I hear people walking around in the house!"
"Do you think someone is breaking in?" I asked.
"I don't know. I've been home alone all night, but now I hear people walking around. It sounds like big people. I'm scared!"
"Get Arrow with you and remember your self-defense training," I instructed as I motioned for Mike to call 911. With my heart racing, I reassured Makenna that the police could be there in a matter of minutes. "Do you hear talking? Do you think more than one person is there?" I asked.
"I don't hear talking," she whispered, "but it sounds loud, like a really large man walking around."
"Do you have a knife or something you can grab?"
"Oh! Nevermind!" Makenna spoke loudly. "It was just Nairobi. I forgot she was upstairs."

Yeah. So the dog is on a diet.