Monday, May 16, 2011

Parents can be nuts

My parents are selling everything they own. Literally. I helped them get ready for their sale this week, and they actually marked everything for sale. When I tell people they are selling everything, the follow up question is usually, “Are they selling their leather furniture?”
“Yes. Everything.”
“Are they selling their go-cart?”
“Yes. Everything.”
“Are they selling their yard tools?”
“Are they selling their unused shampoo?”
“Yes. I marked it ten cents.”
“So, they are really selling everything, huh?”

Yes, they really are. The next question is why. Why would people who have worked hard, retired, accumulated a beautiful house, lovely garden and every yard tool you could dream of, just sell it all? Did they lose the house? No. Are they buying an RV? No. Are they moving? No.

They have a good reason. They are tired. Tired of maintaining a demanding house. Tired of filling their sunny afternoons with painting soffits and cleaning gutters. Tired of a mortgage payment.

They decided to rent out their house for one year, keep only the necessary items that will fit in their car, and aimlessly travel the nation. They got online and signed up to volunteer at several charities. They told distant relatives to expect a visit.

They decided to try this nomad lifestyle for a year and see how it goes. If they like it, they will just keep on doing it when the year is up. If not, they will move back into their house – nothing lost. Except all their worldly possessions. But they decided that losing all their worldly possessions really isn’t a bad thing.  In fact, they are almost giddy with their freedom.

They are my heroes.  


  1. I think various strains of this particular disorder run in the family:)

  2. Are you saying Uncle Dave looks like a walnut? Cause I really don't see it.

    (sorry, I couldn't resist. I love them both and think the world could learn allot from their sacrificial lifestyle)

    Am I allowed to have a period in a parentheses?

  3. We come into this world with NOTHING and we are going out with NOTHING. They've just got a head start. They are (and have been for a long time)my heroes also, Sharla.

  4. Aunt Vicki - So true. I wonder who will be the next to succumb to the disorder!

    Donny - I will allow you a period for making me laugh so hard.

    Linda - Amen
