Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Love Eggs

Saturday my church sponsored the Special Egg Event. It was a customized Easter egg hunt for kids with special needs. Kids who were unable to walk were able to use a wand with a magnet on the end to pick up magnetized eggs all by themselves. Kids who were unable to see were able to use their sense of hearing to find eggs that were beeping. There was a quiet egg hunt for kids who were anxious about noise and commotion. There was a general egg hunt for kids who could do it all just fine, but just didn't want to compete against kids who were quicker.

We were able to have the event at Drake Stadium, so there was plenty of room for the 1000 plus people who turned out, and, thankfully, the rain decided to come again another day. As a bonus, Famous Daves fed everybody, Blank Park Zoo set up a petting zoo, the Easter Bunny was available for pictures, crafts were available, and Mrs. Iowa spent time loving on kids.

One time I spent my afternoon getting a pedicure. I loved it and felt great when I got home, but by the next day I had lost that lovin' feeling. Saturday I stood on concrete loading meat onto buns, and when I got home I was tired and teary-eyed. And I thought to myself, "That was a day I will remember till I die."

The Special Egg Event wasn't only special because it was for kids with special needs, it was special because it was an honor to be a part of it.

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