Thursday, November 3, 2011

Candy Scaries

We put my two sons in charge of handing out the candy this Halloween. That is when things began to go awry.

We filled a large bowl with tiny bags of Skittles and Reeces Pieces, but that just seemed too predictable to Drake. "Hey," he suggested, "What if we put a raw potato in there? Do you think anybody would take it?" Josiah thought Drake's question was absolutely brilliant, so the potato led to lime juice which led to an outlet cover which led to a bottle of mustard. You see the pattern.

They barely contained their laughter as they opened the door to a large group of kids expecting the small innocents to screech in disgust and disappointment. Instead the first one politely took the lime juice and said thank you in a very sweet baby voice. This unexpected event brought on all kinds of high fiving between my boys, and some canned lasagna was added to the bowl. Where did they even get canned lasagna? Do they even make lasagna in a can? Who does the grocery shopping around here anyway?

When boys behave in such a way, what is a mom to do but sit laughing at the kitchen table taking pictures?

Makenna saved the day by coming home from work with four dozen warm Krispy Kreme donuts and we went from being the scourge of the neighborhood to Most Loved Halloween Neighbor.

And that, my friends, is the difference between boys and girls.

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