Monday, November 25, 2013

Caterpillar Toe Jam

It gets muddy in the country. My dog doesn't mind. I do.

Because of his past behavior of terrorizing horses, trapping raccoons on neighbors porches, and eating chickens, Arrow now has to be on a leash when he is outside. It is annoying to him all of the time, but it is extremely annoying to me when I have to step through mud to get him hooked on his leash. My shoes get coated with clumps of gooey mud, and I cannot get them clean again.

Then I found the wonderful invention of hard soled slippers. I could leave them by the back door, use them to tromp through the mud, and then just slip them off when I went back inside. Brilliant.

One day though, they were extra muddy, so I left them outside by the door instead of inside by the door. They were right next to the house, so I figured they would be fine.

With not a care in the world, I held Arrow by the collar as I slipped the muddy slippers on my feet the next day and began the trek to his leash. After a step or two I felt an unspecified object in my slippers near my toes. I wiggled my toes in a scientific attempt to gather data about the unknown object. But the object, being more fragile than I reckoned, could not endure the wiggling. I felt a small pop. Then a gooey lotion coated my toes.

I let go of the dog, because who cares what he does when an unknown lotion has just coated my toes, and kicked the slippers, both just to be safe, far from me. After gathering my wits, I found the slippers and tipped them upside down. Because I just had to know.

A small family of caterpillars, minus one who was no longer solid, fell from my slippers.

I will never, ever again leave any sort of footwear outside. Never, ever. Ever.


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