Thursday, August 9, 2012


We haven't had many good ol' Iowa thunderstorms this summer. It has been nothing but hot, dang hot, and dry. So, when we saw the sky darken and watched lightening dance across the sky, we were thrilled and ran outside to watch. We kept watching when Mike went inside to answer his phone, and we kept watching as Mike came back out.
"I have to go," he announced.
"What's up?" I asked, peeling my eyes from the flashing sky.
"A tree got struck by lightening on a property that I own."
"Did it fall down?"
"No, it's on fire and the fire department can't get the fire out."
"So the firemen are there?"
"Yes, but the heart of the tree is on fire, so I have to have a tree service come and cut it down while it is on fire and the firemen can't leave until the tree is down and the fire is out."

It seemed to me like an unusual occurrence, so I rushed out and bought some lottery tickets. Then I realized that the fire was a bad omen, not a good one. Because later we decided to have a bon fire.

"Dad needs you," Emery told me. "He is in the bathroom."
"Uh oh," I said. But it was a much different situation than I expected when I opened the bathroom door.
"I caught my legs on fire," Mike said.
"WHAT???" I panicked.
"I was starting the fire and it kind of exploded and caught my legs on fire."
"WHAT???" I repeated, because I did not go to nursing school.
 "Can you get some ice or something?"

So with a large bill from the tree service that I might have to sell plasma to pay, and blisters covering my husbands legs, I decided that fire is serious.

Where is Smokey The Bear when you need him?

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