Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Texting At School

As I sat in the carpool lane at school waiting for Drake to exit the building, I received a phone call. I didn't recognize the number, so I was immediately skeptical.

"Mom? It's me - Drake."
"I'm in the parking lot. Where are you?"
"In the principal's office. And I need you to come into the office, please."
"Is something wrong?" I asked as sweat began to form on my forehead.
"I just need you to come and get my phone. I got it taken away today because I was texting, and when that happens they need a parent to get the phone back."

I marched into the school like thunder and gave my son the evil eye as I signed the form stating that my son had broken a rule and we were ever so sorry. Hoping to make a good impression on the principal and office staff, I began to fix Drake right then and there.

"Son, you should never text during school," I told him in my how dare you voice.
"I know. I'm sorry."
"You know better," I told him in my shame on you voice.
"I know, Mom. I'm really sorry."
"Having your phone is a privilege, and I expect you to treat it in such a manner."
"I will. I promise," Drake hung his head.
"Who were you texting anyway?" I asked, thinking to eliminate that person from the list of acceptable friends.
"You texted me and asked if I had show choir, so I was responding so you would know that it was not today."


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