Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Smooth Mother-In-Law

My son, Drake, never intended to be in show choir. However, his father and I are monsters and force him to choose some musical venue in which to participate every year. He signed up for choir. His teacher heard him sing, gave him an secret and impromptu audition, and, ta-da, he was in.

My Mother-in-law, a retired music teacher, is quite pleased with the musical activity of her grandchildren and tries to attend all of their concerts. Fortunately, since she has fourteen grandchildren, when she retired the school district gave her a card that lets her into activities at half the admission price. Drake's concert was downtown, and I knew it would be packed out. I bought a ticket for Mike and I, but I left her to get her own ticket since she has her magical card. I told her I would save her a seat, and then I went to make myself unpopular by placing jackets on the seats I needed to save.

She found me about five minutes before the show began, fought the crowd to reach her seat, and sat beside me.
"My card doesn't work here for some reason," she said as she sat down.
"You had to pay full price?" I asked.
"I showed the guy my card, but he said it didn't mean anything to him. I said it should. But, I didn't want to make a scene, so I just told him I would pay full price. Then I felt stupid when he said it was only a dollar," she said, laughing at herself.
"What? The admission price was six dollars," I told her.
"He said a dollar," she looked confused.
"Did you get your ticket from the ticket window downstairs?"
"No. I just went to the booth by the door."
"The booth where the man is selling bottled water?"
"He had water."
"You haggled with the water guy."
"No!" she shook her head even as the truth was dawning on her.
"So, let me get this straight. You walked up to the water booth, told the guy you should get your water for half price, then paid full price, walked away WITHOUT a bottle of water, and walked into the concert WITHOUT buying a ticket?"
"I think so," she whispered.

I have so much to learn from her.

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