Friday, February 10, 2012

Dog Days

My dog loves the snow. He loves it more than anybody should love snow. He eats it, throws it into the air to catch it, rolls in it, snuggles down and takes naps in it. It's not right.

Since my husband plows snow as a side job, he thought Arrow would love to ride along in the truck and enjoy the cold weather like only a Husky can. Apparently a Husky can do a great many things while riding along in a truck.

The chaos started even before they left. Mike opened the truck door and called to Arrow, which usually compels him to hurdle himself like a bolt of lightening from the house and into the passenger seat. However, this time he ran to the garage. Why the garage? There is no explanation on earth to explain that course of action. He ran into the garage. The problem was that moments before Arrow chose this destination, Mike pushed the button on the remote to shut the garage door. And, because we are barbaric, we do not have those sensors that stop the door from closing if something is in the way. Yes, the dog became trapped under the door. And, instead of pushing the button on the remote another time and causing the door to open again, Mike went into full fledged THE-DOG-I-LOVE-IS-IN-DANGER panic. He yelled, the dog screamed, Mike ran around, the dog whined. It was entertaining. Don't tell my husband I said that.

After that got worked out things went okay until Mike thought Arrow needed a bit of air. He rolled the window down just enough for Arrow to stick his head out, which Arrow did. He closed his eyes and let his ears blow in the twelve degree wind. He loved it. It was obvious by the way his tongue was hanging out the side of his mouth and flapping in the breeze. In an effort to partake in even more freezing wind activity, Arrow placed his massive puppy paw on the arm rest and stretched his body. But his paw landed on the window controls and turned the window into a bottom sided guillotine. Mike tried to use his control to roll the window back down, but Arrow had first dibs on it and the window continued its attack. That was not enjoyable for the dog. He yelped and screamed until Mike pulled over and righted the situation. And this activity was repeated several times as the day wore on.

When his salt supply was low, Mike ran into the store to purchase more and left Arrow in the car with the heater running. Because he was alone and didn't like that, Arrow did a puppy protest dance all over the cab. During the dance, he happened to step on the auto lock and locked himself inside the running truck. It is almost impossible, no matter how long a person does charades in the parking lot of a hardware store, to entice a dog to step on the auto unlock.

Then he ate a clipboard.

I'm pretty sure Mike has a new plowing buddy.

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