Since we moved to the country, my dog, Arrow, believes we have all traveled to Heaven together. He runs like he means it. He runs so fast and hard that he actually sprained his ankle. But that was because a small rat terrier barked at him. He can't abide with barking. Barking sends him into all kinds of panic. He has two reactions to being barked at. One is to run in the opposite direction like a missile and the other is to lay down and refuse to move. Neither are helpful, but both are funny.
We had some friends staying with us awhile ago, and these people deserve an award. As they were waiting to fall asleep we were installing their door.

Arrow was gone through most of their arrival and visit, but when he showed up, he showed up as a wolf. Apparently he had found a bog and had spent the entire evening drenching himself with slime. I did not recognize him until he did that crazy moan/groan thing that huskies do.
This caused a problem though because one of the visiting children did not know the wild wolf groaning at the backdoor was our dog. This poor child came running up the hill full of boyish joy until he caught sight of the imminent danger. The moment his eyes landed on the bad wolf (Arrow) he froze, eyes wide. And he remained frozen. There was no movement of any sort. No blinking. I'm not sure he was even breathing. He was okay though because there were four adults there to calm his fears.
Too bad they were inside laughing.
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