Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

I love driving my youngest daughter to school. I love listening to her talk to her friend. I learn all kinds of things. Like which boy at school likes which girl, which teacher is the best, who the two of them are mad at, what color of nail polish is super cool. Sometimes their conversations crack me up and I can't wait for them to get out of the car so I can laugh without hurting their feelings.

Recently, they were talking about Friday the 13th. They were imagining what might happen on that spooky day. Emery said that maybe the sun would never rise and it would be dark all day. Her friend suggested that maybe zombies would roam the hallways at school and they would defeat the zombie hoard by throwing sharp pencils. Then Emery said, "Maybe the streets will be teeming with black cats." Teeming? Really? My daughter uses the word teeming in regular conversation?

I was very relieved when they stepped out of the car so I could let my laughter fly. However, in retrospect, it might not look good to the teachers that I drop off the girls and drive away laughing. I think I might be leaving the wrong impression.

Things get so complicated.

1 comment:

  1. Sharla I love your posts. You have an amazing sense of humor... comes in handy as a mom, right?
