Sunday, January 22, 2012

And So It Was

My husband came home early a few months back and said, "Hey, I want to show you a house I looked at today." My husband looks at a lot of houses for his job, so I didn't immediately panic. Then he frightened me a lot by explaining that he thought I would really like it.

"You must have not heard me the last fifty-nine times I said I am not interested in moving," I calmly reminded him.
"I know, but at least look at it."

With a gentle huffing and puffing and a lot of pouting, I rode with him out to take a look. We walked in through the garage, through the kitchen, into the WALK IN PANTRY, looked out the back windows into the six acres of beauty and saw the two ponds in at the bottom of a gently sloping hill, and I said, "We need to make an offer on this right now."
"But you haven't even seen the whole place," he reminded me.
"I don't need to. This is home for us." My heart had told me so.

We called on the ride home to put in our offer and we mentally moved in. The next day the realtor called and said there were multiple offers and we probably weren't the highest. We didn't want to loose the house, but we didn't want to go bankrupt either, so we drowned our sorrow in a couple hot drinks at a coffee shop and mentally moved out. Three days later our realtor called and told us the house was ours.

So it happened.


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