Monday, July 2, 2012

Drama in the Theater

I went to two movies this week, which is not normal for me. I love going to see movies, but it just seems hard to find the time to do it very often.

One thing I especially love about seeing a movie out in public instead of at home in my pajamas is the drama that takes place before the movie. Like in the ticket line. Or the popcorn line. There are so many different kinds of people all shoved into a small space, drama is bound to happen. And it did.

Someone's Granny was the absolute highlight of one movie experience. I was getting my popcorn as I noticed Granny, who had to be at least 80, shuffling through the line next to me. She was stooped at the neck, wrinkled, and gray haired. She was wearing biking shorts, a tank top, and a biking helmet. She was alone and she was there to see Magic Mike. Yes, the movie about the male strippers. She got herself an extra large tub of popcorn, shuffled her way into the theater, and wore her helmet though the entire movie. She is now my all time goal of what I want to be when I grow up.

The other movie experience was much more horrible. I was in an extra fine mood because it was date night with my husband. He is funny and I always find myself laughing when we are together. We arrived at the theater, and I made a trip to the bathroom while he ordered the tickets. Then we stood in line and ordered our popcorn together. But, I took those moments to be extra friendly to all those standing around me. I conversed and cracked jokes with total strangers. I was feeling good, and I knew I was funny because everybody kept laughing. Even when I thought my jokes were a bit lame, people just laughed. I had them eating out of the palm of my hand.

Then I felt a tugging on my skirt and heard a voice whisper into my ear, "Your skirt is tucked into your underwear, and your underwear is inside out."


I'm so glad they keep those theaters dark so I could melt into my chair and disappear.

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