Being a parent means living in a constant state of change. I plan, look ahead, schedule, organize, nail it down, pencil it in, wrap it up, and cover the bases. But still I had three roasts cooking when the kids called to say they would be eating at their friend's house. The next week, when they all had plans, I fixed a steak that Mike and I were sharing when they all suddenly came home asking for food in the middle of our romantic dinner.
The school nurse has seen me in my exercise clothes, still wet from a shower her call interrupted, dressed up to attend a midday ballet, and so sick I could barely made the drive to school to pick up my sick kid.

Sunday I arrived at church, talked to some friends, sang some songs, and sat down with the rest of the congregation to enjoy a half hour of bettering my soul. At that precise moment Drake and his cousin were downtown sending a text stating that instead of picking them up at noon I should pick them up now. I stood up and walked out in front of everybody.
"I'm here," I texted Drake as I parked my car.
"Be down in 5," he texted back.
"Ok," I texted as I opened my Facebook app to pass some time while I waited.
"I love you!!!!" he texted me out of the blue with no prompting from anyone. With four exclamation points. Four.
Constant state of change - worth it.
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