Once, I let him ride with me to pick Drake up from swimming practice. Then I let him ride with me to pick up some prescriptions at Walgreens. Now I can't keep him out of my car.
When I open my front door, he pushes in front of me and dashes to the car. He can Houdini himself through a car door opening of only a few inches. Once inside, it is nearly impossible to remove the husky. If I try to pull him out, he just hops to another seat. If I walk around to that side of the car and open the door nearest him, he simply hops to another seat. We can play this game for a very long time. He never tires of it.
I am convinced that I am a wonderful person when Arrow is in the car with me. He emanates such joy, the air almost vibrates. He lays his head on my shoulder. He presses his side to my arm in a slamming hug. He squeezes into my seat with me. That part is inconvenient.

When I accidentally left my phone in my car, I didn't think too much about running out to grab it. But Arrow did.
I was preoccupied with the hamburger browning on the stove, so I didn't notice Arrow following me like a shadow. When I opened the passenger door, he catapulted over my head and landed smugly in the passenger seat. I grabbed my phone and called Arrow so we could go back inside, but he simply gave me the I'm Going With You stare-down. I tried to pull him, but he was too quick and moved to the driver's seat. Then I charaded walking back into the house. But he did not follow.
I left the car door open and returned to my browning hamburger. Arrow stayed out there for three hours.
I'm not sure who won that battle of wills.
He did that to us when we were leaving from having Christmas at your house. He wouldn't get out and kept doing his growl. He was cracking us up. He's a big honey.