Not only is this poor dog out of his climate, he is in the middle of the most miserable heat wave in recent memory. The earth is scorched. The grass is dying. The sun is blazing. Just opening a door to the outside causes my children to run for ice to rub on their faces and necks.
Both me and my dog are going to great lengths to keep his furry body cool. I bought him a swimming pool for those times when he has be outside for more than ten seconds. When I water the flowers he treats the event as his own personal water park experience.
But he is even more creative than that. One time we shouted for him for ten minutes before finding him happily splashing in the leftover water from an earlier shower. He refused to exit that shower until the sun set.

I tried his method and stuck my entire head into the refrigerator. It works.
He makes a good point. It's not just hot out there - it's dog hot.
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