We had a house full of people this week, and it was great fun. The characters in this event didn't all necessarily know each other, but are all super cool. Our regular Wednesday night visitors, who come week after week and are the kind of people who rock this world, were here. Also, because fate smiled on us, we had our long lost son who is not our real son but we love like a son, Franke Bates, over because he is home visiting. He is in the Air Force and has been stationed in WayTooFarAway, Texas. He brought his younger brother, Everett, and our other long lost son who is not our real son but we love like a son, JP.
It was the perfect set up for either hilarious laughter or disaster. Or, as it turns out, both.
The regular Wednesday night people grabbed their swimsuits and headed to the pool out back, because that is our tradition. I scrounged up spare swimming suits for the other three guys, who, by the way, couldn't possibly be more different in size. So, I grabbed every spare set of swim trunks I could find, and dumped the pile on the table. JP saw this as an opportunity to grab the nearest trunks and pummel Everett with them. Endlessly. Everett got fed up and ripped the trunks from JP's hands. Then inspiration struck him and he extracted his revenge by throwing the trunks back at JP.
Admittedly, when a 14 year old skinny kid throws soft, fluffy, swim trunks at a large man, it is not very threatening. In fact, it is so non-threatening that JP didn't even notice Everett's act of revenge and simply walked out of the room.

So of course, Makenna came running. She is fifteen. But, she completely saved the day by instantly comprehending the situation, grabbing the swimming trunks with her bare hands, running into the back yard, and throwing the trunks into the swimming pool. And shrieking. Without end.
No adults ever responded to Everett's cry of help, and we were only informed what happened well after all danger was completely over.
So, I've asked Makenna to be our babysitter from now on. We need her.
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