Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Skirts and Mopeds

I'm pretty sure the maker of the skirt didn't intend for the garment to be worn while mopeding. There are some serious design flaws pertaining to that particular combination. I'm sure this seems like obvious information, but sometimes I only notice the obvious stuff long after it is no longer helpful.

See, things are a bit nuts. We've been looking forward to a vacation to California all summer long, but because of some unexpected things that went down at work, we had to call the trip off. Telling four kids that their vacation is canceled is pretty much the worst thing a parent can do if they have any hope of smiling ever again. This discussion led to a lot of depression and devastation and then to a lot of fund raising ideas. That is why the kids have been trying valiantly to ignore the blazing heat and talk their friends into sitting for hours selling lemonade. They've also been collecting cans and raiding their piggy banks.

During all this fun, Drake has managed to break out in poison ivy from his neck to his toes. Every time I see him, I just wish I had a marker because he would make one great game of dot-to-dots. A trip to the doctor and three medications later, he developed pink eye.

Trying to rescue a vacation four days before the intended departure date takes an amazing amount of time. Trying to squeeze in doctor visits, pharmacy visits, and endless spreading of ointment makes a person feel like laying on the kitchen floor in a catatonic bliss. Probably. Not that I know or ever did that.

So when the eye drops were ready, I picked myself up off of the floor...I mean away from the pie I was making... and hopped on the moped to speed off to the pharmacy and save the day. When it is 104 degrees, attempting to do anything outside will cause instant heat stroke, immense amounts of sweating, and a lot of complaining. But, a ride on the moped actually feels pretty nice. I soaked in the quiet and enjoyed the wind. I took a few deep breaths and actually felt nice. Too nice. I felt a moment of pure alarm as I felt the sensation of rushing air where it should not be.

I've already discussed my lack of grace on moving articles of transportation. Trying to drive with one hand while the other hand held down my skirt seemed like asking for danger to come slap me in the face. So I enjoyed the cool sensation.

I'm not sure if it is a hint or not, but when I entered my kitchen I noticed my moped key.


This is not over.

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