I didn't get it.
Mike left with the kids and their new moped just before bedtime and headed down to the vacant car dealership at the end of our street hoping to teach them to be responsible moped drivers.
When Mike walked in the door twenty minutes later, I still didn't get the prickly feeling.
"Don't worry," he announced, "nobody is hurt yet." When the word yet follows the statement nobody is hurt, the prickly feeling is bound to begin.
"What happened?" I asked in my calm voice.
"Drake is stuck on top of a building," Mike answered in his trying not to laugh voice.

Your mind processes a sentence like that slowly and in steps.
Step 1: Something has happened involving my son Drake, who is not hurt yet.
Step 2: Drake, who is not hurt yet, is stuck.
Step 3: Drake, who is not hurt yet, is stuck ON TOP OF A BUILDING?!?
Apparently he found something to do while waiting the five minutes until it was his turn on the moped, and that was to scale a building with his hands and feet. But he did not love the idea of scaling back down.
Because I am a caring mother, I grabbed my camera and asked him to show me his superpower of leaping over tall buildings. I wanted to get proof incase he was the new Spiderman. He's not. He's 13. He's a boy. This stuff happens.
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