I've mentioned before that my grandparents are in that hazy stage of life where they forget things like taking their medications, what day it is, and what in the world is going on. My mom visits them in their retirement facility regularly to ensure the important factors of living are attended to, but when she can't visit she has to settle for calling them and checking up on their well-being.
"Mom," she bellowed into the phone, "tell Dad his bath aid will be there tomorrow to help him shave and pick out clean clothes."
After repeating that about six times at continually louder volumes, she hung up only to have the phone ring one minute later.
"Hello," she said.
"Chris," my grandpa said loud enough to be heard from across the room, "what is this I hear about someone coming tomorrow?"
"Yes, your bath aid is coming."
"And I'm supposed to go down to the front door with no clothes on?"
"So? How can you say, 'so' to that? No clothes? It seems wrong."
"I said NO! No, please don't do that!"
Poor bath aid.

After repeating that about six times at continually louder volumes, she hung up only to have the phone ring one minute later.
"Hello," she said.
"Chris," my grandpa said loud enough to be heard from across the room, "what is this I hear about someone coming tomorrow?"
"Yes, your bath aid is coming."
"And I'm supposed to go down to the front door with no clothes on?"
"So? How can you say, 'so' to that? No clothes? It seems wrong."
"I said NO! No, please don't do that!"
Poor bath aid.